Panel Beater Responsibilities Cover Various Specialisations


A panel beater is responsible for working on a variety of vehicles that have sustained collision damage. Fortunately, their expertise makes it possible to transform a car’s framework into its former pristine state. Therefore, the main responsibility of a panel beater is to restore a vehicle to factory condition. In order to meet this objective, the panel beater must remove the damaged components and panels. He does this by either unbolting them from a vehicle or cutting them away.

Cosmetic Work

Depending on the extent of the damage, the body repair expert either repairs the parts, or replaces them, using hydraulic, mechanical, or metalworking equipment. He then welds the parts and repairs dents with plastic fillers. In addition to these kinds of functional repairs, a panel beater may also perform cosmetic work. Cosmetic work may include sanding, grinding, repainting, or polishing a car, after the initial body repairs have been made.

Preservation Methods and Repairs

In some instances, the panel beater solely performs cosmetic work on autos that are functioning perfectly. Cosmetic services then are also designed to preserve a like-new appearance of a vehicle. Preservation methods used include repairing scuffs or chips, polishing and waxing a car, repairing glass, refurbishing an interior, or refinishing the wheels.

Customisation Services

Highly skilled Perth panel beaters also offer customisation services to their customers. These customisations include restoring old vehicles or classic cars, building a new vehicle, or upgrading a car. If a client owns a vintage car that no longer runs, a panel beater may repair the car’s engine, or perform the needed electrical work, in order to get the car to run.

A panel beater may also use his skills in customisation to repair or replace an engine or transmission in order to give a car better acceleration, or a smoother and faster ride. He also works, in some cases, on hot rods, or vehicles with large engines that are modified for speed.

A Specialised Skill-set

Whilst a panel beater usually works on vehicles, such as vans, coupes, or four-doors, he may also specialise, as indicated, in working on other cars as well. Some people who are involved in the trade specialise in trucks, trailers, and buses, or in highly specialised cases, in other modes of transport, such as motorcycles or aircraft. Specialty work necessitates the attainment of a specialised skillset – one where specialty tools, such as arc welders, magnetic dent removers, and sanders, are used.

Keeping Records of His Work

A panel beater must keep updated records of his work, and his hours, in order to determine how much he can charge for repairing or refurbishing a vehicle. He may also work with a customer’s insurance company to calculate out-of-pocket costs. A panel beater helps in restoring vehicles that are involved in a number of accidents, some of which result from going too fast or acting recklessly. Whether the collision is high or low-impact, he possesses the expertise to renew a vehicle to its former state.

If you need to restore your car’s body, or want to have some cosmetic work done, then a panel beater is the go-to person to see. Choose a reliable company that stands behind its services, one where body restoration is almost considered an art.