All about Online Vehicle Insurance


The world of online vehicle insurance is expanding with every passing day. More and more people are opening up to the idea of buying their motor insurance policies online. The plans are available at affordable rates and can be bought with great ease and convenience through online platforms. Take a look at this article to know all about the vehicle insurance plans sold online and how you can benefit from buying one.

How much should you invest in vehicle insurance online?

Like we already told you, the motor insurance plans that are available on the online portals are a little less pricey than the ones that are sold offline. As a result, you can afford to splurge a little more and get a bigger cover as even a larger, more comprehensive motor insurance plan online can be more affordable than a standard offline plan.

However, you must exercise caution and buy a plan that you need with a cover that is just enough. No one needs excess insurance; in fact extra insurance can often prove to be a liability. It would therefore be highly advisable for you to sit down and jot down your motor insurance requirements. Then, do some research and find a plan with a cover that is just right to cover your needs. This will help in not only finding an appropriate vehicle insurance plan, it will also make your purchase practical and useful.

Tricks to buy the best vehicle insurance online

Now that you know how you can select your ideal cover, let you give you some very handy tips and tricks to buy vehicle insurance online:

  • Use an aggregator website: You may have a preferred insurance provider in mind. Consequently, you may want to directly visit the insurer’s website and buy your vehicle insurance plan from there. However, a trick to remember here is to use an insurance aggregator website. You will get to know about many other plans that are similar in nature, but may offer better benefits. You may see a price difference. So do some window shopping on the aggregator’s portal and then make your final purchase.
  • Compare: This is perhaps the best tip anyone could give you about vehicle insurance online. Run an online comparison on before you finalise on your online vehicle insurance plan. This will be a sure-shot way for you to locate and identify the vehicle insurance cover that is ideal, affordable and best for you and your vehicle.
  • Make use of the accumulated NCB: If you have an accumulated no claim bonus (NCB), make sure you use it up when buying a new car insurance plan. NCBs get transferred between vehicles and policies. So do not let go of the bonus that you have earned. It is rightfully yours and your insurance provider must offer the discount you deserve.
  • Club your policies: If you have some other general insurance plans like health insurance, home insurance, etc, try to get your car insurance plan from the same insurer. Insurance providers often offer discounts to their loyal customers who buy all their policies from one place. Make use of this advantage and get set to make some serious saving on your overall insurance expenses.
  • Opt for longer plans: Some types of vehicle insurance are available for durations of two or even three years. Try to get a longer plan instead of a standard one-year plan. You will never stop needing motor insurance, so you might as well opt for a longer cover. These plans are more economical. You are also spared from the hassle of having to renew your policy every year. When you buy long term vehicle insurance online, you can forget about the premium payments for a good two or three years, depending on the duration of the plan.

Keep these very handy tips in mind when you set out to your vehicle insurance online. You will surely find the best cover at the most affordable rate.

To sum it up

Now that you know more about vehicle insurance online, you can confidently go ahead and make a sensible purchase. Keep the points mentioned above in mind at all times. If you are still confused, speak to an expert or even a friend who has already bought vehicle insurance online. Proceed to buy the plan only after you have understood how vehicle insurance works. Some excellent plans are waiting for you. What are you waiting for? Just log in and begin exploring!