The best reasons for buying a used car


Many drivers looking for used cars for sale Stevenage head straight to Car Firm. One of the reasons most commonly cited for buying second-hand cars rather than brand new vehicles is the massive depreciation drop seen by most cars during their first year on the road. The vast majority of cars lose around 40% of their value after twelve months of use, but you can get your hands on a fantastic used motor by simply waiting a year or two for great models to hit the used car market. Buying second-hand can involve risks, so if you do require assistance why not get a more experienced friend or family member to guide you through the market?

buying a used car

Get better legal protection

Buying from a private seller can be risky as you may have no legal comeback if you discover a fault that wasn’t pointed out to you when you bought the car. The Sale of Goods Act means that dealers must treat you fairly if you find a problem with a car they sold you. What’s more is that most dealers’ membership of trade networks means that it will always be in their best interests to treat you fairly. Treating you well means they’ll be able to protect their reputations and avoid being kicked out of these trade associations.

Used Car

Ask all the questions you need to

Always ensure the information on the paperwork matches up with everything you’ve been told about the car. Look for evidence of a full service history and don’t be afraid to ask any relevant questions. View the car in dry, light conditions, take it for a test drive and perform an emergency stop to see how the car handles in dangerous situations. You’ll also need to find out how much tax, insurance and fuel are likely to set you back.