How Car Brands Can Enhance Social Media Performance?


In the US last year, there was an increase in 27% new car sales due to millennial. This rise was due to car brands influencing the social media platform. Automotive sector all around the world is targeting social media platforms, where next generation hangs out. Car brands spend billions on the digital marketing campaigns.

Cars are believed to be a necessary investment for majority of homes, especially for those living in cities where public transportation is not reliable. Demand for cars has made brands step up on their digital efforts to stay ahead in this cut-throat competitive industry.

Vital social media platforms automotive sector uses

Facebook has more than one and a half billion fans. This platform is embedded in modern culture, where people stay connected sharing videos, photos, and updates on current happening in their life or niche or affairs. Therefore, car manufacturers find it convenient to spread news about their launch of new models. Visit biggest car FaceBook fan pages to check what fans discuss about popular car brands like the BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Chevrolet and more.

About 236 million users reside on this incredible social media platform called Twitter. Microblogging is allowed on Twitter. Users can post small messages including maximum 140-character. Mercedes-Benz employs the best practice on Twitter. Their extremely visual tweets create awareness of current events. Hashtags are used to keep followers engaged in sharing brand news.

Its GLA ad campaign was distinctive, where it served the same ad to people on Facebook and Instagram. As per social media analysis there was 54% escalation of their website visits. Using these two platforms Mercedes-Benz efficiently transformed people from perception to action.

How customer relationship gets built on social media?

Brand awareness is created from consumers. Fans eagerly show their cars. Car manufacturers have realized that customers have a voice, so this allows them to build personal relationship with them. Brands engage with followers and share videos/messages. It allows building 2-way community that boosts their brands.

How car brands performance can get enhanced on social media platform?

Tell a story

If you look at all the successful car brands social media campaign, one consistent thread is story telling via visuals. Posting content is not sufficient you need to relate it to the audience. Using videos and stunning pictures allow the brand to convey an ongoing story that encourages the fans to return for more.

For example, Audi promoted its piloted driving model using a depressed T-Rex with tiny arms and Irish accent re-discovering lost desire for life. People loved this ad because a story was told rather than showing the car. This unique way to plug new technology worked very well for Audi.

Allow customers ‘have a say’

The Dart registry Campaign from Dodge and NOTNORMAL campaign from Mini are ideal examples of allowing followers ‘have a say’. Developing interactive campaigns along with the social media platforms allow car brands to get more people engaged, active, and take action.

Build 2-way community

BMW gets away because of its brand power and persuasive visuals but social business profiles are designed for 2-way community. It is the responsibility of the brand manufacturers to answer follower’s inquiries as well as address their issues. In this dynamic digital area and cut-throat competition, you need to give your brand a human voice.