Horse Float Updates Make It Easier to Transport Your Horse


The horse float first appeared in World War 1, when it was used as a means of transport for delivering injured horses to a field veterinarian. Since that time, the floats have become sophisticated vehicles that offer increased levels of comfort and safety for equine passengers.

Some of the Add-ons

Aside from such basic horse float styles, such as angle or straight load, the conveyances also include open-sided, gooseneck, enclosed, or multi-horse carrying capacities. Other permutations exist in the form of such add-ons as extensions of height or length, internal padding, divider styles, tack areas, or rug racks.

How Many Horses Will the Float Accommodate?

When purchasing a horse float, you need to determine how many horses the float will accommodate, as well as the size of each animal. In order to make a decision, first place your horse in a float that is similar to the horse float you wish to purchase. That way, you can check the overall roominess, and the horse’s overall level of comfort. You do not want your horse to develop an aversion to being floated. That is why a float should provide enough space.

Chest Bars and Other Considerations

Whilst a conventional, or straight float, is said to offer a horse more room to stretch its neck or head, the chest bar placement is also an important consideration. A chest bar that is adjustable, and padded, can make it easier to transport a horse.

However, that being said, when picking among horsefloats for sale, it is important to concentrate on the quality of the materials and design too. After all, you do not want your horse to be a victim of a poorly designed float. Quality is paramount, especially when carrying a heavy load, such as an equine animal.

A Fibreglass Floor

That is why designs for horse floats today are made for safety and longevity. One of the features now offered is fibreglass flooring. Fibreglass is ideal as it will not rot or decay. It is also lighter, and has no joins. A honeycomb fibreglass floor will be as strong three decades from now as it is today. Therefore, in terms of a horse float floor, this system is considered the best.

An Easier Way to Travel

Load share suspensions make transporting a horse easier too. As the name suggests, a load share suspension shares the whole weight of the horses and float, and distributes the weight evenly over the tyres. As a result, the ride is softer and the tyre life is extended. Even if the ground is uneven, a load share suspension is in touch with the ground. The quieter and smoother ride is healthier for a horse, and easier on the driver. Roller rocker suspensions also are similar and offer smoother rides.

An Unconditional Warranty

When selecting a horse float, make sure it comes with an unconditional warranty. The warranty should cover parts and labour to take care of any repair issues immediately. Also some of the features to note on today’s modern horse float include a reinforced and covered drawbar, a rust-free one-piece galvanised chassis, sliding windows with fly screens, swing open and pin back barn doors, and side rug racks on angle loads.