Three Things to Check after a Car Accident


Whether minor or major, car accidents are stressful. Insurance needs to be exchanged, police reports filled out, and you need to get a claim for repairs. It takes time out of your day and money out of your bank account.

Pre-determine Your Issues

A way to help things move forward is to get your vehicle checked out ahead of a claim. First, this determines if the damage is only on the vehicle’s surface. Second, you can discover if your car’s internal systems were damaged even if you encountered minor exterior damage. Third, you potentially save money. Though you may think an accident is the other party’s fault, the insurance company may deem otherwise. And when that happens, you’re the one shelling out the deductible.

What to Check

Here are three things for your local mechanic to check prior to filing a claim.

1. Components to keep the car moving. This includes the engine, transmission, and radiator. In addition, have them check all of the hoses and wires connected to those components.

2. Components to keep the car powered. The battery, alternator, and fuses need examination. Yes, even the fuse box is inside the car it should be checked. Some fuses could have blown out during the accident.

3. Components to keep the car on the road. For this, look to a specialty shop like Jewell Collision for a thorough check of the suspension. It may seem fine while driving. However, stress fractures and other unseen problems may have started after the accident.

Make the Choice

After a thorough examination, your local mechanic or suspension shop may determine one of two things. Either everything is fine or you need to get repairs sooner than later. From that point, you need to make a decision. Do you make the necessary repairs now or wait for a decision by the insurance company? If you wait, and the damage is excessive, do not drive your vehicle. Be patient and let the system work it out between you and the other driver.suspension work lakewood co.